Alter Ego


Structure – the relationship or organization of the component parts of a work of art

Armature – a framework around which the sculpture is built; provides structure and stability

                                                                                         Long Island Bigfoot

Cameron Gainer 

                                                                                                 Studio 2 Live
Kim Graham 

                                                                                                  Equine Art

Lynda Sappington 

                                                                                           Sculpture Armature


Foal Armature
Todd Andrews

Alter Ego – a second self or personality/persona within a person, who is often oblivious to the persona’s actions

Texture – the perceived surface quality of a work of art; can either be two or three-dimensional

Abstract – art that uses a visual language of form, color, and line to create a composition

Ejima Mask
Mask of Life
                                                 Chokwe Ceremonial Mask
Unknown [Congo] 

                                                    Prosperity Coin Mask
Unknown [Ghana]

Ibu Medicine Man Mask
Unknown [Nigeria]

Geometric Abstration – a form of abstract art based on the use of geometric forms sometimes, but not always, placed in non-illusionistic space and combined into non-objective compositions

                                                      African on a Horse

Lolo Mask
                                                             Chidi Okoye
                                                      Ceramic Sculpture
Frances Serber 

                                                         Beast Alerted
Lynn Chadwick 

The Chicago Picasso
Pablo Picasso

Non-Representational – relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature
                                                          African Mask

                                                        Natural Cycles
Dr. Erik Demaine 

                                                      Origami Sculpture
Paul Jackson 

                                                        Clay Sculpture

Stone Sculpture

Anthropomorphic Abstraction – the use of abstracted elements to portray a humanlike form

                                                         Circle of Love
Chidi Okoye 

                                                      Mask of Montserrat
Julio Gonzales 

The King Playing with the Queen
                                                              Max Ernst
Tom Otterness

Unique Forms of Continuity in Space
Umberto Boccioni

Mask – worn on the face for protection, disguise, performance, or entertainment

                                                      Tattooed Warrior
Terry Starr 

Eagle & Killer Whale Union
Terry Starr

Eagle Warrior
Terry Starr

                                                             Terry Starr

Shark Woman with Mosquito
Terry Starr

Emphasis – something that is given great stress or importance

                                                         Cultural Mask
Christina Salinas

Fine Ceremonial Mask
Dan Guere

L6 Sculpture
Max McLintock

Klickitat Ceremonial Mask

Mask [Efe/Gelede]
Yoruba People

Alter Ego Project Pictures