Line and Space


Straight Line- a line traced by a point traveling in a constant direction; a line of zero curvature; "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line"

Bernar Venet
Straight line

Curved Line- A line having no straight part; bend having no angular part.

Ilan Averbuch

Retired Thunderbird
Patrick Ray Day
Robert Long
Mark Di Suvero

Vertical line- A line perpendicular to the horizon.

Louis Bourgeois


Michael Lucero 


Mark Di Suvero
 The Calling

Kenneth Snelson
4-Way Tower

James Gillespie 
Sight Line

Horizontal line- Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon.

Mark Di Suvero

Mark Di Suvero
Old buddy

Mark Di Suvero
Ik ook

Anthony Caro
Chalk Line

Mark Di Suvero

Diagonal line- Joining two nonadjacent vertices of a polygon. Joining two vertices of a polyhedron not in the same face.
Mark Di Suvero
The Calling 

Mark Di Suvero
Are Years What? 

Mark Di Suvero
Johnny Appleseed

Mark Di Suvero
Tyne Anew

Actual line- A linear or calligraphic mark. A boundary limit of spaces, objects, masses, colors, or tones.


Dan Zaretzky

Kenneth Snelson
Rainbow Arch

Vassilakis Takis 

Implied line- A line created by movement or direction, suck as the established by a pointing finger, the direction of a glance, or body moving through space.

Kenneth Snelson
4-Way Tower

Kenneth Snelson
E.C. Column 

Vassilakis Takis
 Ohne Title 

Chakaia Booker

Kenneth Snelson
Zig-Zag Tower

Sight line- A line of sight, especially one between a spectator and the spectacle in a theater or stadium.
Lynn Chadwick

George Rickey
Three Columns

Louise Bourgeois

Claes Oldenburg

James Gillespie
Sight Line

Space- Refers to distances or areas around, between or within components of a piece. 

Andrea Zittel
A-Z Breeding Unit for averaging eight breeds

Mark Di Suvero

Micheal Rees
Putto 4 over 4

Gail Smpson and Aristotle Georgides
Trogan Piggy Bank

Sol LeWitt
Four-Sided Pyramid

Presence and Absence in space- This is being within a space or not there at all.

Mark Di Suvero
Schubert's Sonata

                                                                       Henry Moore      
                                                         Knife Edge Mirror

Henry Moore
Forma Squadrata

Keith Haring 
The boxers

George Rickey

Closed Space- The work is inclosed by a polygon.

Opened Space- The work is not inclosed by any polygon.

Sol LeWitt
Five Towers

Sol LeWitt
Serial Project

Sol LeWitt
Five Modular Structures

Sol LeWitt
49 Three-part variations on Three different Kinds of cubes

Sol LeWitt
One-Two-One with Two-Half-Off

Kinetic Form- A form in which involves motion.

                                                           Theo Jansen
                                                    Wind Powered Moster

Alexander Calder
      Gallows and Lollipops

                                                                     Anthony Howe
                                                                      Rooster Rings

David C.Roy
Kinetic Sculpture

Moto Ohtake
      Stellar Motion

Proximity- A nearness in place, time, order, occurrence, and relation. 

Jesus-Rafael Soto 
Two Volumes in the Virtual

Jesus-Rafael Soto

Jean Tinguely

Jean Tinguely
Fragment from Homage to New York

Jean Tinguely

Closure- An inclination to connect fragmentary information. Some of the shapes within this are clearly defined while others merge from the background.

Jesus Rafael Soto
Nylon Cube

Jesus Rafael Soto
Cube de Provence

Sol LeWitt
Incomplete Open Cubes

Lynn Chadwick
Beast Alerted

MRS Shapa Begum

Line and Space Project Pictures